
Niall Porter - Photographer, husband, father of two. Inhabitant of Scotland. Certifiable petrol-head. Quaffer of malt whisky, scoffer of cheese, hoarder of 12" records. Dangerously optimistic DIY mechanic. Occasional snowboarder. The list goes on but almost none of that is why you're here :)


My primary photographic interest is automotive and I approach shooting cars in a similar way to how portrait photographers capture people. Chiefly interested in natural light and environments, I try to create natural images of cars and motorbikes in surroundings that add something to them. I love trying new techniques and I'm not afraid to "break the rules" from time to time if the result is a more engaging image.

Much of my work to date has been for private clients, collectors and events but I am available for commercial and editorial work too - automotive or otherwise.

Work with Me

Have an upcoming project? Looking for photos of your pride and joy? Do you run a car dealership, magazine or website? Something else in mind completely? I'd love to work with you!

Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.